Do you want to get your kids interested in science? Start with simple science experiments with water.
As a mom of a 12-year-old who is interested in science, this past summer I was shocked to discover how difficult it is to locate a decent science club or program for my daughter to participate in.
To be honest, I’m concerned that scientific enthusiasm and exploration are becoming extinct in most kids, because of a lack of information. There’s no better approach to getting a youngster interested in science than performing water experiments with them.
Water is all around us, and it’s something that we use every day. Plus, there are so many fun things that you can do with water, I believe these science experiments are a great way to explore some scientific facts about water.
In this blog post, we will discuss 17 different science experiments with water that you can do with your kids! These science experiments are not only fun but also educational, and they will help teach your how to use science kits to create more fun..
Easy Science Experiments That You Can Do Using Materials You Already Have In Your Home.
Through these experiments, you will discover what happens when you add different objects to water. You will find out how temperature affects water behavior, and you will learn about the different states of matter.
You will see what happens when you combine different liquids. You will investigate the science behind evaporation and condensation, and you will experiment with different ways to make water move. These experiments are designed to be safe and fun for kids of all ages.
So get ready to have some fun and learn a little bit about science along the way.
1) “Salt in Water” science experiments
For this fun science experiment, you’ll need
a glass of water,
some salt,
and a spoon.
What to do
Start with your glass of water, then add a little salt to the water and stir it up. Then add a little more salt and stir again, to dissolve the salt. Keep adding salt until it doesn’t dissolve anymore. When this happens, you’ll notice at some point that the water will start to get cloudy.
Why does this happen?
The science behind the experiment
The reason why this happens is that the salt is made up of molecules that are too big to fit through the spaces between the water molecules. So when you add enough salt, the water molecules can’t push the salt molecules out of the way fast enough and they start to pile up.
This is why your glass of water looks cloudy when you add too much salt.
2) “Egg in Water” science experiment
For this fun science experiment you’ll need :
a glass container
an egg
What to do
First, fill the glass with water. Then, add an egg to the water and watch it sink to the bottom. Next, add vinegar to the water and watch the egg float to the top! The vinegar reacts with the egg to create carbon dioxide gas, and this gas is what makes the egg lighter than water, which makes it float.
The chemical reaction behind the experiment
You may be wondering why this happened. It happened because vinegar is less dense than water so when it’s added to the water, the egg is able to float.
It’s density!!!
Density is how much matter, or mass, is in a given space. The egg has more density than the water, and the vinegar has less density than the water, that means there is more mass in the same amount of space, so adding vinegar to the water, lowers the density of the mixture.
3) “Food coloring in water” fun science experiment
For this easy science experiment you’ll need :
A clear container
Food coloring
What to do
First, fill your container with water. Then, add a few drops of food coloring to the water. Watch as the color swirls and mixes throughout the container!
What happens when you add more food coloring? Does the color become darker or lighter? Try adding different colors of food coloring to the water and see what happens!
What’s happening?
When you add food coloring to water, the molecules of the food coloring spread out evenly throughout the water. The chemical reaction behind the experiment occurs because the food coloring is made up of molecules.
In science, this is called diffusion, and the more food coloring you add, the darker the color will be because there are more molecules of color in the water.
4) “Grape in water” fun science experiment
For this easy science experiment, all you need is a grape, some water, and a bowl.
What to do
Fill the bowl with water and then place the grape in the water. Watch what happens over the next few hours. The grape will start to swell as it absorbs the water. After about 1 or 2 hours, the grape will be twice its original size.
This cool experiment is a great way for students to learn about how fruit absorbs water. It’s also a lot of fun to watch the grape change over time. It is a great experiment to do with kids to show them how grapes absorb water.
Why did this happen?
This is a great demonstration of osmosis. When the grape is placed in water, water molecules start to move into the grape through its semi-permeable skin. This causes the grape to swell up and eventually burst.
As the grape continues to absorb water, it will start to float upward. Eventually, it will reach the surface and bob around like a little raft.
This happens because the grape continues to absorb water until it reaches equilibrium, which is when the number of water molecules moving into the grape is equal to the number of water molecules moving out.
At this point, the grape is so full of water that it starts to float. So when you see your grape dancing around on the surface of the water, this means that osmosis has occurred.
You can also use this experiment to teach kids about the importance of water in our diet. According to scientific facts, the human body contains more than 70% of water, so it’s important to stay hydrated. And when we don’t drink enough water, our bodies can start to feel sluggish and tired. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep our bodies functioning properly.
Try this experiment with different fruits and vegetables to see how they change over time. Enjoy watching your grape grow!
5) “Sugar in Water” science experiment
For these fun science experiments, you will need :
a glass of water
a tablespoon of sugar
something to measure volume with (graduated cylinder, beaker, or measuring cup)
What to do
First, take your glass of water and add one tablespoon of sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, use your measuring device to find the volume of the solution. Finally, record the mass of the sugar you used and divide it by the volume of the solution.
The answer should be very close to the density of water!
What chemical reaction is happening here?
When sugar is added to water, it changes the density of the liquid (mixture), by finding the mass of the sugar and dividing it by the new volume of the solution, you are able to calculate the density of water.
This is a handy way to measure density without having to use scales or other more complicated equipment. So a small change can have a big impact on density.
Now that you know how to measure the density of water, try using different liquids and solids to see how they compare. You might be surprised at how much denser some materials are than others!
6) “Tornado in a Bottle” science experiment
For this science experiment, you’ll need :
a two-liter soda bottle
a piece of cardboard
some tape
glitter (optional)
What to do:
Cut a small hole in the center of the piece of cardboard. Tape the cardboard to the top of the soda bottle. Fill the bottle about halfway with water. Add a tablespoon of glitter (this is optional, but it makes the experiment more fun). Screw the top back on the bottle.
Now it’s time to make your tornado! Hold the bottle with the cardboard circle on top and swing it around in a circular motion. The faster you go, the more intense your tornado will be. Be careful not to swing it too hard- you don’t want your tornado to escape!
Did you know?
Tornadoes are caused by a column of rising air that forms inside a thunderstorm. The column of air rotates as it rises, and if it spins fast enough, a tornado can form.
Tornadoes can occur anywhere in the world, but they are most common in North America. Tornadoes usually form in late spring and early summer, when warm air from the Gulf of Mexico collides with cool air from Canada.
This type of weather condition is called a “tornado outbreak.” Tornado outbreaks can cause multiple tornadoes to form over a large area.
This is an easy science experiment that teaches students about the power of air pressure and how it can create a tornado.
7) “Fizzy Ice Cubes” science experiment
For this science experiment you’ll need :
a cup of water
a small bowl
baking soda
What to do
First, fill the cup with water and then pour it into the bowl. Add a few spoonfuls of baking soda to the water and stir until it’s dissolved. Next, use an ice cube tray (or just a regular old Tupperware) to fill the tray with the mixture. Then, add vinegar to the remaining baking soda and water mixture and stir until it’s also dissolved.
Finally, add this mixture to the ice cube tray. Then, put it in the freezer until it is frozen solid. Now, it is time for the fun part! Get a plate or tray and pour vinegar onto it (you can also do this step in a sink). Take your fizzy ice cubes out of the freezer and drop them into the vinegar.
Watch as they fizz and bubble!
Science Lesson
When you mixed the baking soda and water, you created a basic solution. Baking soda is a base while vinegar is an acid. When you put the two together, they will react and cancel each other out (this is called neutralization in science).
However, the reaction between these two is exothermic, meaning that it gives off heat. This is what causes the fizzing and bubbling when you mix them together!
You can also try this experiment with different types of soda to see how they react. For example, diet sodas tend to have a stronger reaction than regular sodas because they contain more acid.
8) “Water displacement” simple experiment
You’ll need a container that is deep enough to completely submerge your object, a graduated cylinder or beaker (100 mL or 250 mL), and an object with a known mass.
What to do
Fill the container with enough water to completely submerge your object. Record the volume of water in your container. Add your object to the water and record the new volume.
Next, subtract the first volume of water from the second, to find the volume of your object. Finally, divide the mass of your object by the volume to calculate its density!
Now that you know how water displacement is used to calculate density, try using it to experiment with different objects around your house.
Science Lesson
This simple experiment shows that water is displaced because the density of an object can be determined by using its mass and volume, hence the object being measured is taking up space in the water and is pushing the water out of the way.
The displaced water pushes up on the graduated cylinder, which measures how much space it takes up. This gives you the volume of your object!
Can you think of anything else that you could measure using water displacement?
9) “Sink or float” science experiment With Water
For this fun science experiment you’ll need :
a clear container (you can use a plastic cup)
objects of different densities (you can use a rock, a penny, and a feather)
What to do
First, fill your container with water. Then, drop in your objects one at a time. Did they sink or float?
So, why did the rock sink and the feather float? The rock is much denser than the feather. This means that there is more matter in a given space for the rock.
Quick science lesson for young kids
This is one of the most simple science experiments for kids that you can use to teach about variation in material density. It shows that objects sink or float depending on their density. The more dense an object is, the more likely it is to sink. In other words, it’s all about how much stuff is packed into a given space.
Why does this matter? Well, understanding density is important in many fields, from engineering to medicine. It can help us calculate how much of something will fit in a given container and predict whether two substances will mix or not.
So there you have it! Another density experiment.
10) “Skittles in water” Experiment.
For this science experiment, you’ll need a bag of Skittles, a bowl, and some water.
What to do
First, separate all the Skittles by color and put them in their own separate bowls. Next, add just enough water to each bowl to cover the Skittles. Now watch what happens!
The colors start to bleed out of the Skittles and mix together in the water. You can see the different colors swirling around, and eventually, they all end up in their unique color.
But why does this happen?
The Science Behind The Fun
This fun experiment has to do with something called chromatography.
Chromatography is a way to separate out different molecules based on their size. The smaller molecules are able to travel through the water more easily, while the larger molecules move more slowly.
When you add Skittles to water, the colors start to bleed out because they are soluble in water. So in this experiment, the smaller molecules of color are able to travel through the water and end up in the center of the bowl.
Fun fact: This same principle is used in laboratories to separate out different chemicals!
11) “Oil and water” science experiment
You’ll need
Jar with a lid (a mason jar works perfectly)
Food coloring (optional)
What to do
First, add water to your jar. Fill it about halfway full. Next, add oil to the jar. Pour slowly so that the oil has time to settle on top of the water. You can stop when the jar is about three-quarters full. If you’re using food coloring, you can add a few drops at this point.
Screw on the lid tightly and shake the jar until the oil and water are mixed together. Set the jar down and watch as the two liquids separate again. Try adding different amounts of oil or water to see how it affects the mixture.
You can also try using different types of oil, like vegetable oil or olive oil. What happens if you use hot water? Or add salt to the jar?
The oil and water mixed together experiment is a great way to teach kids about the properties of these two liquids. It’s also a lot of fun to watch the two liquids separate and then come back together again.
The Science Lesson
The chemical reaction that happens when oil and water is mixed together is called an emulsion. The water molecules are attracted to each other more than they are to the oil molecules. The oil molecules are also attracted to each other, but not as much as the water molecules.
This is a great way to teach kids about the properties of these two liquids. It’s also a lot of fun to watch the two liquids separate and then come back together again.
So, the science lesson is that when you mix oil and water together, they will eventually separate again because the molecules are not equally attracted to each other.
Adding the food coloring is optional, but it does make the experiment more fun to watch. If you add a few drops of food coloring to the jar, you’ll see that the color mixes evenly throughout the jar at first. But as the oil and water start to separate, the color will also start to separate.
Including food coloring is a great way to show kids how the molecules are separating from each other.
12) “Toothpick Stars” Science Experiments With Water
For this science experiment, you’ll need toothpicks, water, and a piece of paper.
What to do
Draw a star on the piece of paper. Place the toothpicks in the water so that they are pointing up. Wait a few minutes and then place the paper with the star on top of the toothpicks.
Watch as the water is drawn up the toothpicks and into the paper. The water will follow the path of least resistance and will fill in the star.
The Science Lesson
This science experiment is a great way to learn about capillary action.
Capillary action is the force that causes the liquid to flow through narrow spaces without the use of pumps. This is how plants are able to transport water from their roots to their leaves.
Now that you know how to make a star with toothpicks, try experimenting with other shapes. You can also use different colors of paper or water to see how that affects the results.
This is a great science experiment for kids of all ages. It’s simple, quick, and easy to set up.
13) “Dissolving an egg in water” Science Experiment
You’ll need just a few items for this project: eggs, water, vinegar, and some food coloring.
First, hard-boil an egg. Then, carefully peel away the shell to reveal the naked egg beneath. Next, fill a cup with water and add enough vinegar to make it slightly acidic. Gently lower your egg into the cup. Then, add a few drops of food coloring to the water.
You should see the color start to spread from the egg and into the water. But why does this happen? It has to do with something called osmosis.
The Science Behind The Fun
Osmosis is the name for the way molecules move through a semi-permeable membrane. The science lesson around osmosis is the egg is acting as a semi-permeable membrane.
This means that the water molecules are small enough to pass through the pores in the egg’s membrane, but the vinegar molecules are too large. This causes the water to flow from the cup and into the egg, making it swell up and change color.
If you want to see the opposite effect, try adding salt to the water instead of vinegar. The salt molecules are too large to pass through the egg’s membrane, so the water will flow from the egg into the cup, making the egg shrink until it eventually disappears!
14) “Walking water” Experiment
This is such a simple science experiment that produces stunning results! It’s perfect for kids of all ages and can easily be done at home with materials you probably already have around the house.
For this science experiment, you will need some clear glasses or jars, water, food coloring, and a tray to catch any drips.
Start by filling your glasses or jars with water. Add a different colored food dye to each one. Use as many colors as you like!
Place the glasses on the tray and wait for the magic to happen. The dyes will start to travel up the paper towels, mixing together to create a beautiful rainbow.
Science Lesson
The science lesson from this experiment is that water is drawn up in paper towels because it is attracted to the cellulose fibers. This process is called capillary action. When the water reaches the top of the paper towel it starts to flow back down into the glass, carrying the dye with it.
This experiment is a great way to introduce kids to the concept of absorption, which is one of the basic concepts in science.
15) “Make Your Own Rain Clouds” Experiment
You’ll need:
a large clear container (we used a pickle jar )
a small clear container (we used a shot glass)
warm water
ice cubes
a black Sharpie
Fill the large container about halfway with warm water. Add the ice cubes to the small container and place it upside down in the large container. Wait for a few minutes and watch.
Next, use the black Sharpie to make a dot on the outside of the small container. As water condenses on the outside of the container, it will run down and form a “rain cloud” around the dot.
Science Lesson
You will observe how water evaporates and condenses to form precipitation. This is a great way to introduce the water cycle and teach kids to be excited about the weather!
The science lesson is around the water cycle but it can also be a great way to introduce kids to weather.
16) “Crushed soda can” Science Experiments With Water
You’ll need:
a soda can
a stove
a pot of boiling water
What to do
Place the empty soda can on the stove, and heat it until the can is steaming. Carefully remove the can from the stove using tongs, and place it in the pot. Next, pour the boiling water into the pot, so that it comes up to about an inch below the rim of the can.
Watch as the can collapses in on itself!
The Science lesson
The crushed soda can experiment is a great way to show kids how air pressure works. Plus, it’s always fun to see things get crushed!
Understanding pressure will help your child in many everyday situations, and how pressure is applied in our daily activities such as blowing up a balloon, using a straw in a drink, or pumping up a bicycle tire.
All these activities involve air pressure! The key is to have your child understand the impact of pressure and respond to changes in pressure. By doing this, they’ll develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.
17) “Solid liquid gas” experiment
You’ll need some basic supplies including a clear container, ice cubes and a stove.
What to do
First, fill your container with ice and water then place it on the stove. Turn up the heat and watch what happens. Over time you’ll see the ice melt and eventually turn to steam.
Science Lesson
The science lesson is that the molecules in the water are moving faster as they absorb energy from the stove. This causes the water to change state from a solid to a liquid to a gas.
If you want to see the reverse process in action try this experiment using boiling water instead of ice. Place your container of boiling water on the stove and turn down the heat. You’ll see the water vapor condense back into the liquid and then freeze.
The next time you have a bowl of ice cream think about the molecules inside and how they’ve changed state to become a delicious treat!
This shows that water can exist in three different states. Most people are familiar with the solid and liquid states, but there is a third, the gaseous state also called steam.
18) “Dry erase marker” science experiment
You’ll need a cup, water, a dry erase marker, and some dish soap.
What to do
Fill the cup with water and add a few drops of dish soap. Gently stir the mixture. Next, take the dry-erase marker and slowly lower it into the soapy water.
What happens?
The dry erase marker floats on top of the water because the density of the marker is less than the density of the water. The dish soap helps to decrease the surface tension of the water, which allows the marker to float.
Science Lesson
This simple science experiment is a great way to teach kids about density and how it can affect buoyancy.
The reason it floats on water is that the density of the marker is less than the density of the water. The dish soap helps to decrease the surface tension of the water, which allows the marker to float.
Sinking and floating are all about density! Density is defined as mass per unit volume. An object will sink if it has a greater density than the liquid it is placed in. The dry-erase marker is made of plastic, which has a lower density than water.
That’s why it floats! And the dish soap helps to decrease the surface tension of the water, which allows the marker to float even though it
19) “Rain in a Jar” Science Experiments With Water
You’ll need a jar, some ice cubes, warm water, and food coloring.
What to do
To make your own rain in a jar, first, fill the jar about halfway with warm water. Then, add a few drops of food coloring to the water. Next, add some ice cubes to the jar. Finally, watch as the “rain” falls from the ice cubes into the water!
You can experiment with different temperatures of water to see how it affects the “rain.” Try using hot water, cold water, or even boiling water! You can also experiment with different colors of food coloring.
The Science Lesson
The Science lesson is on precipitation, how it happens, and the different types. The influences and effects of temperature on precipitation are also part of the lesson.
This is another great way to teach kids about science, weather, and even the water cycle!
20) Dissolved Egg Shells Science Experiment.
You’ll need
Glass container or jar
Raw Egg
Corn syrup
What to do
First, rinse the egg in water to remove any residue, then place the raw egg in a jar, cover it with vinegar to completely cover the egg, and leave it out at room temperature. Allow the mixture to sit for 24 hours. After 24 hours, check on your experiment.
As the calcium carbonate crystals in the shell react with the vinegar, you’ll notice carbon dioxide bubbles form. The egg will feel soft and floppy, losing its form. Remove any remaining shell that hasn’t already fallen off gently.
You should see that the vinegar has dissolved the eggshells, leaving behind only the membrane! You will be able to see the yolk by holding up the egg and illuminating it directly. Next, fill a second container halfway with corn syrup and place the egg in it; you’ll see that the egg floats.
Why did this happen?
The Science Behind The Fun
Because it contains sugar, the corn syrup mixture has a greater density and so the egg will float near the top until you push it down. Vinegar is an acidic liquid, and when it comes into contact with the eggshell, it causes the eggshell to break down.
The vinegar penetrates the egg, causing it to change the texture. The egg is a great example of how acids and bases can interact with different materials. When you see vinegar dissolving an egg, it’s actually causing a chemical reaction called “acetic acid + calcium carbonate -> calcium acetate + water.”
Yemisi’s Take
This experiment demonstrates how water circulates within and between cells. The chemical reaction exposes the membrane beneath. It’s a fantastic activity for explaining and observing osmosis in action.
So there you have it – 20 easy and simple science experiments with water, that you can start with. We can’t wait to see what kinds of discoveries you and your kids make and how they use this new knowledge to guide their future careers.
Which experiment are you most excited about trying? Let us know in the comments below!
How do you filter water in a science project?
Water filtration is a critical step in any science project. Not only can it help to remove impurities that could skew your results, but it can also be an interesting and educational project on its own. There are several ways to filter water for your science project, each with varying levels of complexity.
Why is PH important in science experiments?
PH is one of the most important components in any scientific experiment. This is because it determines how different substances interact with each other and react when mixed together. The PH scale can determine if a substance is acidic or alkaline. A substance with high acidity can be reactive and potentially dangerous when mixed with other substances.
PH can be varied in a controlled environment to determine how different substances will interact with each other when exposed to different levels of acidity or alkalinity. This is important for experiments that involve combining two or more substances together as it allows scientists to predict the outcome and adjust their approach accordingly.
In addition, understanding PH can also help scientists to gauge the safety of handling a particular sample or solution. A higher level of acidity means that the substance is more reactive and should be handled with extreme caution.
Similarly, a lower pH would indicate that the substance is less reactive and therefore safe to handle without risk of serious harm. By understanding PH, scientists can ensure that their experiments are conducted safely and accurately with the highest level of precision.